Managing money is hard.

We will help you make sense of your money and investments, so you can spend your time living, not worrying.

Bullogic Wealth Management

Fee-Only Financial Advisors

As fee-only advisors, we never accept commissions for products or investments that we recommend. Your needs are always our #1 priority. We will never be tempted to put you into financial products that are not right for you.


Fiduciary duty is the highest standard of care. Our advisors are legally and ethically required to act in your best interest. We will continually monitor your financial situation and adhere to best practices of conduct.


Not all financial planners are certified. We are. CFP® professionals are held to strict, ethical standards to ensure our financial planning recommendations are in your best interest. You will receive the highest standard of care.

Your financial plan begins with you. We will organize your financial situation, understand your values, and set priorities unique to you. From this shared understanding we can work together to achieve your goals.

Our Process

Let’s start your plan with what brought you into our office in the first place. Do you have goals you need a clear-cut plan and action items for? Maybe you were facing some financial questions that didn’t have easy answers so you need some guidance. Or, maybe you are just stressed about your finances and need some clarity.

No matter what brought you into our office, that is our primary focus. Let’s answer your questions, give you a plan, and help you sleep better at night.

Once your plan is in place and we are both working towards your goals, we will turn our focus to other areas of your finances. Every month we will target a different area (cash flow, debt, tax planning, net worth review, etc.) of your finances so we can make improvements to your overall financial wellbeing.

At the end of the month you will receive a report with our analysis, your score, peer score, and action items to make improvements in that area.

We work with our clients on a comprehensive and ongoing basis. It is important to us that you are working towards your goals and the improvement of your financial health. At a minimum, we meet with clients twice a year; April and October. This allows us to make sure everyone is still on track, give the next steps of the plan, and make changes as your life changes.

We are here for you whenever you need us. Our phone, email, and office are always open. If you need to schedule more meetings during the year, we welcome it.  


Bullogic Success Scorecard

Cash Flow Summary

Credit Report Summary

Savings Summary

Real Estate Summary

Debt Summary

Insurance Summary

Tax Planning Summary

Net Worth Summary

We are here to help you improve what’s working in your finances, fix what isn’t, and make sure you reach your goals.

Pay Down Debt

Student loans and credit card debt weighing you down? We will help you crawl out from your mountain of debt and make good use of your money.

Fund Retirement Accounts

How much do you need for retirement? $1 million? $2 million? Why guess about your future when we can tell you what to plan for?

Short-Term Goals

Life isn’t all about retirement. Are you buying a new house, getting married, and taking great vacations? We will help you fund your short-term and long-term goals.

Investment Management

The key to financial freedom is through proper investment allocation. We will help you find your risk tolerance and make good investment decisions in your 401k, retirement, and traditional accounts.

Implement Tax Savings Strategies

Overpaying in taxes doesn’t help you achieve your goals. There are plenty of ways to save on taxes and will review your tax returns to find them.

Insurance & Estate Planning

Are you prepared for the inevitable? You need to make sure your family is covered and your assets are properly distributed according to your wishes as efficiently as possible. 

Here are 30 powerful ways Bullogic Wealth Management can help you remove the stress of your financial burden: 

Budgeting and allocating your monthly finances

Maximize your social security benefits

Staying on track with financial accountability

Planning for retired health-care expenses

Business exit strategies

Proper distribution of employee stock options

Deciding on renting or buying a house

Manage your inheritance

Helping you build a health savings account

Determine proper life insurance coverage


Analyzing employee benefits packages 

Paying down credit card debt

Establish an appropriate emergency fund

Make sure you reach retirement goals

Minimize your taxes

Proper selection and funding of an IRA/Roth IRA

Limiting your exposure to self-employment risks

Deciding on buying or leasing automobiles

Helping you merge finances for marriage

Educating you on various financial topics

Establish employee benefits for small businesses

Determine how to spend during retirement

Maximize your student loan repayment/forgiveness

Analyze your risk tolerance to maximize investments

Save for secondary school and college for kids

Achieve short-term goals

Charitable planning

Secure proper coverage in health and disability

Rebalance your portfolio for proper allocation

Allocate your assets through estate planning

Your Financial Planning Fee

We are Flat-Fee Financial Planners. Our fees are designed to be simple, all-inclusive, and transparent. Our fees are based on your employment status and will only change when that status changes. For your monthly subscription fee, you will receive Comprehensive Financial Planning, On-Going Yearly Support, Investment Management, and a credit for Tax Preparation.  There is no required minimum time commitment, however; our services are designed for clients who wish to build comprehensive, long-term relationships.

Currently Employed

Monthly Fee: $300

What’s Included:

Comprehensive Financial Planning

Investment Management

$150 Credit Towards Tax Preparation




Monthly Fee: $500 

What’s Included:

Comprehensive Financial Planning

Investment Management

$350 Credit Towards Tax Preparation


Free 30-Min Phone Call

Our introductory phone call is designed so you can learn more about us and we can learn about you and what made you seek out a financial planner. No hard pitches or pressure, just a simple phone call.

Two Meeting Process

After our phone call, if you like what you hear, we will schedule a longer (1 hour) meeting to find out even more about you. Only after this longer meeting will we ask you to come onboard to start your financial planning journey.

Answers to Your Questions

Why do you charge a monthly subscription fee?

We never stop working for you. We are constantly monitoring your progress towards your financial goals and making recommendations to help your overall financial picture. We also understand your situation changes all of the time, so we will need to change with you. With our monthly subscription, you have year-long access to us. Don’t wait until our next meeting if you have a question, pick up the phone or shoot us an email.

Do you work in person or virtually?

We work virtually with all of our clients. This allows us to work with clients all over the United States. We have clients ranging from California to Florida, Maine to Texas.

Will you handle just investments?

Yes, if comprehensive financial planning is not your need, we can manage just your investments. We custodian with SEI and follow a research-backed buy and hold strategy. Our goal is to minimize the expenses in your investments to allow for greater returns. Our fee structure is different if we are just managing investments, we start at 1% of assets under management (AUM) and tier down depending on level of assets.

Do I have to bring my investments over to you?

If you are currently employed, you do not have to bring over any investments to us. If you would like us to manage your investments, there is no extra charge from us, it is included in your monthly subscription. Once you retire, we ask that you bring your investments over to us so we can develop a distribution strategy and monitor your portfolio. Again, all investment management is already included in your flat monthly fee.